chronic illness, chronic pain, motility, vascular compression syndromes

Treatment Continued (?)

Februrary is 'Rare Disease' month. Please read more about the importance of raising awareness, improving care and support in rare diseases (including further references) in my post from last year. Examples for rare conditions are severe motility disorder such as chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO). More information can be found here including the information pack. Some… Continue reading Treatment Continued (?)

chronic illness, motility, my journey, recovery, surgery

Too Many Obstructions***** Everywhere

Pseudo-obstruction or mechanical obstruction, that is the question Dear all,  Merry belated Christmas. I hope you had some relaxing days full of love, joy, laughter and light. May the new year bring (improved) health, bright hours, calmness, beautiful moments and happiness. Never forget our interconnectedness, we are all part of the universe’s flow. Even in… Continue reading Too Many Obstructions***** Everywhere

chronic illness, motility, my journey

A Leap of What?

Bad News and Some Further Neurogastro Stuff First of all, some bad news that I will compress and explain as rationally as possible. I received the results of the neurogastro tests . Unfortunately, the neuropathological evaluation of the full thickness resection shows a (congenital)* myenteric hypoganglionosis/dyganglionosis/in segments an aganlionosis and also a ganglionitis. My enteric… Continue reading A Leap of What?

chronic illness, motility, my journey

(Don’t) Trust Your Gut

This post is mainly about neurogastro stuff and some recommendations in the end, if you want to read about absurdism, stones, optimism, Urvertrauen and donuts stay tuned for the next post. I added more on dysmotility and parenteral nutrition. Can You Trust Your Gut? The situation hasn’t changed much other than the subileus symptoms have… Continue reading (Don’t) Trust Your Gut

Allgemein, chronic illness, mindfulness, motility, my journey

Walking Towards Motility

Happy New Year I hope that the beginning of the new year has been as positive as it can be at the moment. Hopefully you had some calming and energising days, a Merry Little Christmas* and 'guten Rutsch'. May 2021 hopefully bring better days for us! Updates and Breathing ------ you can skip that ------… Continue reading Walking Towards Motility